
The second edition of RED LINE – International Film Festival will take place in Montalcino from June the 12th to June the 15th 2024. The Festival is divided in the following sections (Rules and regulation are available here):

International Features Competition (for films of any genre, length: more than 60 minutes).

International Documentary Competition (for documentary films, length: up to 120 minutes)

International Short Competition (for films of any genre, length: up to 30 minutes).

Little RED Short Competition (for films for children 6-12 y.o. of any genre, length: up to 20 minutes).

Rural Heritage and Identity Competition (for films of any genre with rural topic, length: up to 20 minutes).


The festival aims to constitute a meeting point for cutting-edge National and International cinema. The festival’s purpose is to promote cinematography and to give value as an expressive and story-telling means, as well as a way of knowledge and in depth-analysis of reality; the understanding driven by cinema as a mean for a message of peace and solidarity.


The festival direction will nominate an international jury that will bestow the following awards: 

Best Feature Film: 1200 €

Best Documentary Film: 700 €

Best Short Film: 600 €

The young moviegoers of the Little RED competition will decide the following awards::

Best Film for “Little Red” competition: 300 €

The festival direction will nominate a jury that will bestow the following awards:

Best Film for “Rural Heritage and Identity” competition: 200 €


The winners of the first edition of RED LINE International Film Festival are:

The award for Best Feature Film goes to SUPPRESSED

JURY’S MOTIVATION. A psychological puzzle that, piece by piece, reveals a complex picture of suppressed emotions. Beautifully structured, with a superb cast, this is a story of love in all its aspects: joy, despair, generosity, jealousy, possession. At the centre, a man who cannot bear to live with the complications of a serious accident. Circled around by doctors and a trinity of women – his wife, his lover, his mother – he becomes a prison in his own body.
Life, we see, is complicated, but so is the business of dying. He becomes, literally, an anatomy of love, with all its demands and contradiction. The question is, will he be allowed the gift on an ending?

The award for Best Documentary goes to A GOLDEN LIFE

JURY’S MOTIVATION. A scene from Dante’s Hell. Thousands of men and young boys descending into the dark bowels of the world in search for gold. Filmed over four months in Burkina Faso by Boubacar Sangaré, we are immediately immersed in this parallel society, a life of nothing but hope. Home is a makeshift cabin or tent. Generators and drills never stop, belching toxic fumes. Landslides of mud waiting to bury those below. Day is night, night is day. And yet, the camera’s view is clean, honest, tender – a marvel, as if seen through the innocent eyes of a child. It’s the normality that strikes us. The director’s technical ability to adapt is astonishing, reminding us of Rossellini’s great talent for capturing the unexpected.

The award for Best Short Movie goes to OUR MALES AND FEMALES

JURY’S MOTIVATION. A body lies on a table, ready to be washed before burial. A mother and a father in grief, complicated by the identity of their child. Him? Her? The confusion comes with anger, the wounds of prejudice. Filmed in Jordan, this is an invitation for tolerance, to leave behind the noisy polemic about gender identity and instead to offer dignity to every human being. Every frame is a beautiful composition of emotions. Every silence speaks volumes. This is eleven minutes and four seconds of unforgettable, perfect film-making.

The first edition of RED LINE – International Film Festival will take place in Montalcino from June the 13th to June the 16th 2024. The Festival is divided in the following sections (Rules and regulation are available here):

International Features Competition (for films of any genre, length: more than 60 minutes).

International Short Competition (for films of any genre, length: up to 20 minutes).

“Territorio” (for films of any genre filmed within Montalcino municipality area).


The festival aims to constitute a meeting point for cutting-edge National and International cinema. The festival’s purpose is to promote cinematography and to give value as an expressive and story-telling means, as well as a way of knowledge and in depth-analysis of reality; the understanding driven by cinema as a mean for a message of peace and solidarity.


The festival direction will nominate an international jury that will bestow the following awards: 

Best Feature Film: 1200 €

Best Documentary Film: 700 €

Best Short Film: 600 €

The festival direction will nominate a jury that will bestow the following awards:

Best Film for “Territorio” section: 200 €

Submit your film

Registrations open July 15, 2024. Copyright holders of the films who intend to participate in the Festival must register by and no later than FEBRUARY 15th, 2025. Rules and regulation can be found here.

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