About us

Iniziative di Solidarietà – OdV. Founded in 1997 with the mission to promote a culture of peace based on respect for the human, civil, and political rights of peoples, Iniziative di Solidarietà – OdV is a nonprofit organization that aims to foster concrete initiatives of solidarity towards people who are victims of persecutions, discrimination, and civilian populations affected by wars. Since its foundation, the association has been active in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

Convinced that cinema and storytellers can connect people, broaden our minds, and push towards the respect of diversity, starting from 2000 the association organized some festivals focused on Kurdistan directors and published tales of Kurdistan writers, smuggled during Saddam Hussein’s regime facing the risk of capital punishment.

Office Number Four. In 2009, collaboration between Office Number Four productions and Iniziative di Solidarietà began. In 2010, the documentary Our sky, our land won the Italian UNICEF prize for peace at Terre di Siena International Film Festival. Since then, films produced by Office Number Four have been selected in more than 300 film festivals, winning more than 70 prizes, and broadcasted in several countries.